Monday, July 11, 2011

Do you think parents should get their child's ear pierced when they are a baby?

Many people say that when you are younger than the age of one, your nerves have not fully developed so therefore, you will not feel the pain. But I would go against it because many kids grow up not liking their earrings so their parents put all that money in it for nothing. They risked infection and other side effects of piercings only for their children to grow up not even wearing earrings. I've seen many people whose parents took them to get their ears pierced at an very young age and I haven't seen them wear earrings once. I think parents should LET their kids get their ears pierced but not MAKE them. If your children asks to get their ears pierced then by all means because at least you know they will be happy and you know you just spent your money on something that will make them happy. I think piercing your children's ears just because of religion is incredibly stupid (no offence) and should even be considered as child abuse. I would like to hear your opinions :)

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