Thursday, July 14, 2011

Question about recent tooth extraction and infection?

He is doing the right thing for the time being. Your body needs time to heal. When a patient calls or comes into our office with an infection we do the same thing. Start them on a course of antibiotics (AB) and tell them to let us know if things do not get better. Some develop an immunity to certain AB and we may have to switch to a different one. After they take the course, about a week, bring them in to take a look. A little infection is not the end of the world. As long as things are improving then your body and the AB are doing their jobs. If the underlying problem causes us to extract the tooth or do a root canal well then we do that. In that he already extracted the tooth and is waiting for you to heal and that you are healing properly....he is doing the right thing and not giving you any AB. Giving out to many AB is becoming a problem and doctor try hard not to do it. Hopefully you have another post op check at some point and hopefully things get better. Good luck.

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