Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Kinda embarrassing question...?

Hello all... I have kind of an awkward question to ask. I am currently 8 months pregnant with my 2nd child and for the last 3 months or so i have been fighting an unbearable yeast infection. I've tried monistat, and azo yeast but nothing seems to be helping. The monistate took it away but it comes back. I've never had a yeast infection before and quite frankly I didnt even know what it was until i started to do research online and discovered that pregnant women are prone to them. I have a doctor appointment tmw for my 8 months check up but was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this? I have heard people say before that they have a yeast infection but they always said it so non chalantley like it was no big deal. This is something i personally have become very embarrassed and frustrated about and just want it to go away and stay away. Any advice or anyone else have this problem during pregnancy?

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