Monday, July 18, 2011

If a doctor tests my urine for a kidney/bladder infection, will they know if im pregnant or not?

If you go to the doctor for them to test your pee for a kidney infection, would they be able to tell if im pregnant? Even if thats not what theyre testing? Would they have to specifically test the urine for the pregnancy hormone?

What adjective can describe a young man became adult prematurely?

I am trying to find an expression that can define children or young people who become adults before their time. What adjective can describe them best?

Sex issues? Why does it hurt?

It sounds like you have a problem you should discuss with your ob/gyn. Schedule an appointment for a pelvic exam to find out what the problem really is.

Are Dinosaurs or Mermaids Cooler?

Me and my friend are having an argument over whether dinosaurs or mermaids are cooler. what do you think? i think dinos are cooler ^~^

Will tanning for 3 months a few times a week have a lasting effect?

First off, I've looked up some similar questions on this site before asking myself. In all of them, however, the only answers I seem to find are just people lecturing the "askers" on how tanning beds are for their skin. I know how bad it is. And I have stopped. I'm just worried if I have done a whole lot of damage to my skin, about aging prematurely mainly. I went for a total of 3 months on an average of 2 times a week. Is this going to damage me all that much?

What other color goes great with Ocean Blue, besides Green?

My sister is having a sweet 16 and her theme is "Under The Sea". So far we've got her mermaid-style dress which is going to be a sort of deep ocean blue. The problem is is that she has a court consisting of 7 couples and she doesn't know what color(s) the girls and guys should wear that can look good with her dress color. I know a green would be good but my sweet 15 was blue and green so she doesnt want the colors repeated. What would look great with an ocean blue???

Where do I go to learn how to sail on the ocean? ?

Last year, I went to camp and did a program on sailing for a week, but it was on a lake, and with very small boats that barely fit three people - one to rudder, one to pull the sail, and a mermaid who just laid at the front. I imagine it's a lot different on the ocean, but I really like it. Are there places in Cape May or LBI where I could rent a sailboat? And/or take lessons? A cost range would be useful.

Will there be a season 2 of My Bride is a Mermaid?

There has been no plans of them making a second season. But there is always a chance that the company might continue later in the future but it has been 3 years so i wouldn't get your hope high sry

Would I be a pain in the ash if I asked for another dr appt?

If you think he needs rechecked, by all means take him to get rechecked. If the doctor or the nurses roll their eyes about bringing him in, then maybe they aren't the right doctor's office for you.

What to wear for alton towers...?

I went to alton towers a couple of weeks ago!- just ware a green top and something comfy on your feet flats or sandals with bare feet NOT HEELS (I went in them and took them off for most rides)

Isnt it fitting that the turning point of the NBA Finals was when the Heat decided to celebrate early?

The turning point was long before that: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Heat exhaustion or infected tooth?

So last night my husband was watching tv with me and then all of a sudden he was curled in a ball crying and holding his mouth. His face was not swollen or anything it just hurt really bad and i was really scared cause i mean hello what 22 year old man starts crying over a tooth a tooth ache unless its really bad. well he put some aspirin on it and it stopped. he went to work this morning completly fine. he is a farm hand and he was at work 11 hours outside the whole time and it was about 90 here. he was fine all day till about 20 mins before he came home and then he started feeling really sick i checked his temp when he got home and it was 101.5 i gave him some advil it went down he was feeling better and 4 hours later his stomach started hurting.the fever was coming back. he took some tyonal and we went to bed and about an hour later he woke up puking. right before he got sick he was sweating after it stopped.he is sleeping now and it feels like his temp is down. i am kinda scared to go to sleep with him like this. does this sound like an infection in his tooth could have reptured or be leaking or more like head exhaustion ? oh and today his tooth has not hurt him at all

Bubbly ear skin from infection?

about 5osh years ago i got an ear grew extra skin all over it and it wasnt like flat skin it was bubbly skin.i still have that extra skin on my ear and its really starting to bug can i get it removed?

Two questions about Pirates of the Carribean on Stranger Tides?

Nobody knows what happened to the mermaid dude, but I think they drowned. Anyway I think they have to make another movie based on the end of this one. And it doesn't matter how you pronounce it... they both sound similar.

I have grey hairs at the age of 18!?!?

I'm only 18 almost 19 and about a year and a half ago I discovered a grey hair, now I have about 5 (that i know of). I'm seriously freaking out about this. No one in my imidate family, mom, dad, both grandparents have gone gray prematurely. I do have horrible anxiety and I tend to obsess over things, like this, could this be the cause? Please someone give me some insight. I don't want to have to dye my hair for the rest of my life. It's not fair that I'm 18 and going grey. Please help me.

For a realistic anatomy, what is the length of mermaid tail compared to her torso?

For realistic anatomy, figure the tale would be slightly longer than the legs on a human because the flippers are broader than feet -- if that makes sense. Most people, not all but most are 7 1/2 heads high with the legs beginning four heads down from the top of the head. Figure mermaids as eight heads with the tail beginning four heads down approximately.

10 month old's cold/nasal congestion not getting better after 3 weeks, Please advise.?

I would give her the antibiotics, if she is having trouble breathing this cannot be comfortable or safe for her even if they don't work fully they may make it better for her. I'm sure you are trying to be a good parent by doing this but her body will still build up and immune system for it. I think it would make her more comfortable and much better, after all thats what they are for :) However it is totally up to you, you should be the one to decide! Hope she gets well soon :)

I have had a low grade fever (99-100.5 degrees F) for the past 5 days along with sinus pressure. Whats wrong?

I'm a 17 year-old male, and hardly ever get sick with fevers or anything. The first day i decided to take my temp my body was achy and i had been EXTREMELY tired for 2 days. I never feel to bad, despite the sinus pressure, and always have an appetite. I have cranked out some green phlegm and am wondering if maybe this is a sinus infection and not mono? please help me out asap

Found baby mourning dove (possible premature)?

The bird should be fed every 3-hours. When in the wild, they feed constantly, but that would be very hard for a human to do. I would put the baby in a 10 gallon glass fish tank with shavings in the bottom. I would also put something soft in there like a soft towel, blanket, stuffed animal, whatever you may have. They need to be warm as they have no feathers. You also need to put a heating pad under the tank, start it on low and if it does not feel warm after an hour, turn it up to medium. That would be the highest I would go. The baby needs to eat a formula fore baby birds called Exact. It is sold in most pet stores. Directions are on the can. I usually mix the powdered formula with water, use a thermometer so that the temp of the food is 104 degrees give or take a degree. If the food is too hot, it will burn the crop (this is on the right side of the baby's neck, you may see it get larger when feeding, it is like a bubble.) If the formula is too cold, your baby will develop infections, sour crop, it will basically stay in the crop and won't get digested and rot inside. This should help. I am glad that you and your parents are taking care of the baby. Alot of people in this world are just cruel and would not bother.

If hell broke lose on planet earth on the day of 21st December, 2012. Do we condemn God?

Since a 12/21/2012 "all hell breaking loose" would show that the Christian god is completely out of the picture and that the Mayan gods are the ones that we should pay attention to, it would be extremely silly to continue to believing in the Christian god. On the other hand, Jesus promised that he would return again before the last of his disciples died, and that was close to 1970 years ago.

Where can I research mermaids?

I was watching a TV show Where this one girl got "Captured" by the full moon and she was singing a "mermaid siren". Where can I research mermaids and the sirens if they are real? I want to read about stories of sailors who have "saw" mermaids. Also on this show the one boy said it s a SIREN that lured sailors to their death. I would like websites or Google suggestions or websites where I would be able to read about these things? Thanks in advance!

Am I going bald prematurely?

I'm an 18 y/o guy and every day when I shower, I notice quite a few hairs after washing and drying my hair inside the bath tub and sometimes on the bathroom floor (maybe 15-30 hairs). Is this normal or am I going bald?

Tip of my 7 month old son's penis is bright red....should I be concerned?

My son is 7 months old about and he is NOT circumcised. That was our personal choice as we do not agree with the procedure and find it has no benefits, based on research. Anyway, the other day, I was changing my sons diaper and I noticed the very tip was more red then usual. He's never had any infection or anything like that and its always a tad bit on the red side, but it was quite bright the other day, almost swollen. Today it looks better though and so I have not called the pediatrician. Has anyone experienced that and what happened? He has no strange discharge,..nothing out of the ordinary. I figured it might have just been rubbing against the diaper too much or since his diaper was dirty, he might have just needed a change. He had a tiny little rash, and just one bit of desitin cleared it up right away. He never gets bad rashes as I change him often, but I'm guessing he could get a rash on his genitals as well as on his butt, so that's what I guessed it was..just a little rash. Please let me know guys. I might just call the pediatrician too in a day or 2 and ask if I should come in but it might not be anything. thanks so much.

Does anyone know are free downloadable program that can edit/cut videos?

Avid FreeDV is free one and is available for both Windows and MAC operating systems, and includes basic video and audio editing capabilities, as well as up to two streams of real-time effects. On the whole, a solid video editing program that is slightly hard to use, but very powerful once you learn its ins and outs.

Any mermaid movies/TV shows?

I have just seen H2O: Just add water, and now I'm looking to see if there is any thing else like it. I'm mainly looking for ones that are made from 2000-now, but it can be a little older. Also I would like it to be on netflix instant queue, but it doesn't have to be because I can just rent it or something. Thanks!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Does lysol kill the fungal infection of a ringworm?

My little cousin has been spending a couple of nights at my house and i've recently discovered a ringworm under her chin.. she's been sleeping on my couch and on our bed sheet. i need good advice on what to do

How should I care for my torn skin?

I happened to have torn the skin on both my two big toes. It wasn't bleeding, but it was rather like a layer of skin that got torn off. It looks like ordinary dead skin tissue, but I'm sure I tore it off prematurely (playing basketball). Should I just leave a band-aid on the torn skin, or should I tear off the dead skin and then let it heal?

How long did you wait to say "I love you"?

How long did you date someone before telling them that you love them? If you said "i love you" prematurely, then how long was it before you could say it and truly mean it? In your opinion, what does it mean to truly love someone?

Tooth infection while pregnant!! straight torturre?

in the very beginning of my pregnancy i was munchin on some carrots wen i accidentally bit into my tongue ring and broke my tooth completely in half. for awhile it was fine until a few weeks ago it started to throb. last weekend i broke into a fever and since then my throat has been sore and swollen and my jaw is aching non stop. i went to my dentist and i need a root canal but he wont work on me due to the high risk of taking antibiotics while pregnant. i am only 17 weeks pregnant! i still have a very long way to go before i can have anything done about this tooth. is my dentist wrong? is this hurting my baby? not to mention hurting my health since the only thing this is going to do is get worse. what can i do?? this pain added on to my everyday morning sickness is driving me crazyy! oh ive also been taking tylenol liquid form to help a little with the pain but all that does is put me to sleep. any advice or help will be greatly appreciated


So, I volunteer as a counselor at a girl scout camp every year. We have morning flag, and afternoon flag everyday. For each flag ceremony we have to have a group "saying", It's basically just a rhyme things. So, we'd say something like "we're the little mermaids (our group name), and we're here to say this is going to be a great day". But not that lame. I need some ideas so I don't have to be rushing to think of one!! Any ideas are appreciated.

Puppy named flounder.?

Flounder is a great name. We once had a Basset Hound named Boobie, so I think you are entitled to name your dog what you want.

Where can I watch the sequel to Titanic?

The one where mermaids revived Jack Dawson from the dead, by having sex with his corpse as he sank to the bottom of the ocean. A lot of the movie takes place in the Titanic. Only this time it's under the sea, under the sea. When the sardine begin the beguine, it's music to me. What do they got? A lot of sand. We've got a hot crustacean band. Each little clam here, know how to jam here. Under the sea. Each little slug here, cuttin' a rug here. Under the sea. Each little snail here, know how to wail here. That's why it's hotter, under the water. Yea we in luck here, under the muck here. Under the sea.

Will a light tan prematurely age my skin?

not at the moment but in the long run yes every bit of light ages you weather you can tell or not it wont be a biggie go for the tan you sound pale =)

My mom wants to kill my cat on a dry cat food diet, she won't listen to me...?

Buy your own cat food! Otherwise don't be picky. If the vet says it fine, what credentials do you or the crazy internet people have. The cat is not complaining.

Eye professionals! Is this a sty?

I have bumps, almost like acne, growing on both of my top eyelids. The eyelid is swelling. The effected area is painful to the touch and becomes dry easily. The acne-like bumps spread to other areas as well, but it is not as bad as the eye. It's not smallpox, but it does resemble it with the many pimples on it.It seems to swell up at times and deflate at other times. Is this sty, or some other form of infection? I've never had this before. I went to a doctor and he Rx'd Triamcinolone Acetonide cream and Hydrocortisone cream. He didn't tell me what it was though. Please, what is this condition?


Well, an acquaintance of mine asked me if I would be attending a banquet tonight... and I answered no. Then this acquaintance asked me to comfort him bc his parents would be there and they would most likely interrogate everyone.... and I told him to be glad I wasn't there bc I'm extremely liberal whilst his parents are strong conservatives.... and he replied that his parents already hate me. Ironically, his parents have never met me and have never engaged in conversation with me. I asked him why his parents possessed this feeling towards me... and he told me that his parents perceive me to be the stereotypical black person. I'm offended. First off, what is the stereotypical black person? And should I end all contact with this acquaintance?

Did my daughter's dentist make a mistake?

My daughter's dentist pulled one of her baby tooth's because it had supposedly cavities going down to the root, which I could not see once they handed me the tooth. Now the dentist is telling me that her grown up tooth will never come out! Did her dentist pull the baby tooth too prematurely? Please help.

What kind of doctor do i need to see ?

i have had several really bad redcurrant infections over the past yr and i think it could be my immune system i think i dosent fight infections like i should what kind of doctor should i see the infections ive had include pnemonia 3 times, staph infection, and a few more

What's a bladder infection? And could I have one?

I have Pain like just below my bellybutton and it hurts to cough. And sit-up . And it's not my period. I asked my my boyfriends mom and she said it could be my blatter so I was wondering what u guys thought?? I'm only 14.

How to put up with a man for the rest of my life that prematurely ejaculates?

I don't want to sound mean, with little experience in the sack myself, i have been with this man for a while now, and on the basis that almost every time, its a couple of jerks - and then he squirts. It can be rather disappointing, as i suppress my sexual tension, not even getting to the organism stage or being let down on the build for climax because he's gone. He has been embarrassed about it in the past, but it is coming to the point, that due to my own lack of expertise in the sex world, that im kindly letting him off continuously, walking away rather frustrated and needing a good time to be a GOOD time. to the point that i get frustrated and think about what sex would be like to actually reach the point of bliss. I watch alot of porn, i think im a rather kinky woman that is craving a good rogering. How can i help him - is this something i should accept in the relationship as one of those flaws that will one day be conquered.

Female urinary tract infection?

How long can a urinary tract infection (UTI) delay your period? Like is it possible to delay it two months? Three months?

Tiny cut on the outside of my vagina?

Well for a little over 3 weeks I was having yeast infection symptoms. I used Vagisil whenever I needed to but then I finally went to the doctor. My doctor did a test to see if anything else was there and it came back fine so she gave me a one time pill and a medicated cream to put on. At first it was okay but then it didn't go away. I switched back to Vagisil two nights ago and it started to burn like crazy so I did it twice and when that didn't help I stopped. I haven't put anything on since yesterday. It wasn't so bad today but when I looked it was very red and there was something that looked like a tiny cut almost. It wasn't from shaving because I don't shave that far back, it was all the way in the back. I'm not really sexually active, just oral or fingering from the same guy for over a year, but we stopped for a while and recently started again. In that break I got oral once from a guy I was dating for about a month. Other then that there's not much more action going on. I have to wait a week to see my GYN so I'm a little worried. What could this be?

What are some good instrumental songs?

Songs like Your Hand in Mine by Explosions in the Sky or Mermaids from Pirates of the Caribbean...I guess like scores...just calm emotional music...if you get my drift.

Am i pregnant and have a urinary tract infection?

i have been getting light cramps, my period should be here the 6th so cramps are early and hip pain. i have been very moody and have had heartburn which is accompanied with an upset stomach and nausea. i have been more tired and hungry lately and i have been peeing more often but not much pee is coming out . my viginal discharge has been thin and milky with a light weird smell, not a fishy smell. at night i cant sleep and only sleep 4 to 6 hours. i normally sleep 8 to 10 hours. when i get up from laying down i get dizzy and i have had bad gas. my breast are lightly sore which is much less then what is normal after ovulation. the smell of fried food and new products made with plastic make me nausea. and i have had light back pain. am i pregnant and have a urinary tract infection?

Will swimming in salt water help with balanitis or bv vaginal infection?

im going to galveston tx to swim and i hear that the beaches have salt water and well i have balanitis and i heard that swimming in salt water will help balance the level of bacteria. and i also heard it does the same for BV the vaginal infection is this true or will it do more harm than good?? Somebody please answer!!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Do i have a yeast infection in early pregnancy?

i am 4 weeks pregnant and the inside of my viginal lightly burns once in awhile and my discharge is thin and cloudy but has a smell i dont know how to describe, the smell is mild. (smell is mild not strong)

Does this sound stupid? Tattoo on side of petite female?

Just recently I was thinking of getting a delicate and some what flowing realistic tattoo of a mermaid on my left side under my ribs, side of my stomach. I'm 5ft tall and 110lbs so is this too manly of a tattoo? Im wanting to get it mainly because I have a spinal condition called scoliosis and iut can make a girl feel ugly at times and mermaids are beautiful and seduce men but yet when u think about iut, they have scales and fins but how they carry themselves with such grace and confidence it doesn't matter. Like a beauty is in the eye of the beholder/accept yourself tattoo. Plus I was born in va beach so it's kinda Ocean thing and my father who passed away (which is another tattoo for both deceased parents, I'm 21, already have one tattoo for my dad but not too pleased with iut but dont regret it) who was a sailor himself. I'm worried that the artist will mess up, even though I loved the portfolio, and that maybe down the line I'll regret a medium size tattoo on my already nice stomach. I'm just so tired of living my life afraid of doing anything, I dont care how it'll look when I'm old because well, I'm not planning on wearing a bikini when I'm over 50, if even that lol.sorry if my sperling is messed up, I just got an all touch phone and the swype assumes words.

Marijuana withdrawals and night sweats?

Weed withdrawals? news to me i never heard of anyone having withdraws, it might be from somethin else.

Which sports teams can you not stand?

I mean absolutely despise? Like when they're playing on TV you just can't help but feel completely disgusted the whole time. Or if you see someone wearing that team's tshirt or a car decal, and you can't help but prematurely judge them, even though you don't know them. It can be any sports team even though this is the football section. For me it's the Texas Longhorns and Vancouver Canucks(hockey). I can't stand them.

Best joint replacement hospital/doctors for 5th replacement?

I have a family member that just found out they have an infection in their 5th hip replacement. She has had 5 replacements on the right and 4 on the left. It has been a life time battle and she has just found out that this 5th one is infected and has to be replaced. She has to use a different doctor every time because they all retire or move. I'm trying to find out what hospital and/or doctors are the most renowned joint replacement facilities. This will probably be her last chance to get it right and I desperately want to get her into see the best. Her hips are horrible and so damaged, but someone could get an awesome article published from working on her. Who do they say is the best? Please help me find someone more talented and educated than just an average ortho surgeon!!!!

What is the best thing to do?

Try and just be friends for now because i think you are hoping to get more out of these chats then she is espcially if she doesnt even remember what happened with you 2 years ago.

Considering relocating...Nothing to lose or am I overlooking something?

I would give it a shot why not? Your losing your home and going to have to move anyways!! Hire does your son feel about it? The only thing I woulda do different us apply for positions before you go. Not just in houston but other places you would like to live to see if u can land a job first! Good luck I've always wanted to pack up everything and move far away!!!

Can i die from doing this?

i had a boil on the side of my vagina near my thigh, i used a needle and ran it over some peroxide and warm water then, i stabbed my boil, it was the size of a quarter and it was hurting and annoying,now that i've done that i read many things that say i shouldn't do that cause i can die from infection what should i do now, and it didn't even go away just a little bit of puss came out?

Is monogamy destroying more families than it saves?

My fiancee and I are in an open relationship and we have been for the past 2 years. I guess you could say we're "swingers" and we absolutely LOVE the lifestyle! I think monogamy makes NO sense. It's not natural to only want to be with one person your entire life. We have Christianity to thank for putting that thought into our head. We love each other very much and we would never leave each other, but at the same time we realize it's only normal to be sexually attracted to other people and to deny each other that satisfaction is just insanity. It's a lot more fun fooling around together as a couple, rather than cheating.

Can cerebral palsy affect your sex life and ability to orgasm?

This is very embarassing for me to talk about. But I have to get it out there since I am desperate for answers. I am 20 years old and have been with my boyfriend for seven years. We started having sex a year ago... slowly learning things. As time went on I felt I wasn't normal. In the beginning my bf was a premmie and has progressed to being able to last 30 mins. But I notice that whilst having sex I get this feeling that I have to pee which I am told that if left alone will lead to a normal orgasm. But since my bf usually orgasms before me we'd stop and then shortly afterward I'd go to the bathroom and dispense this clear liquid. I didn't feel that it was very intense. During the beginning though my father was till alive so sex was rushed. Now my dad is dead and were living in his house with my older brother who helps us pay the bills since we only have part time jobs and don't make enough to live on our own. I wonder if maybe my body has gotten into routine with the whole rush it thing and maybe if my bf has too. On another note I became curious about my sex life because I watched strictly sex with dr drew. The episode was about orgasms. He said if you have any kind of nerve affecting disease that it will affect your ability to orgasm. I know that I was born prematurely and with a minor form of cerebral palsy. When my mom was pregnant with me she fell and her cord wrapped around my neck causing me to lose air and brain cells. During my childhood I had to take speech classes and coordination classes until I was 10 years old. I'm fine now the only issue I have is my short term memory loss due to my cerebral palsy not to mention I am near sighted so I have to wear contacts or glasses. So does any of that affect my ability to orgasm since when under pressure to it seems like I can't and when I apparently do it doesn't feel right? I'm confused... someone please help me.

I believe my puppy has a respiratory infection. he is on two different meds but now he cant breathe.?

Should I take him back to the vet? They thought he might have had puppy distemper but tried to rule it out with the infection. It's been about 2 weeks on meds and he is more playful but still lethargic. Now he is gasping for breath and while sleeping he shakes with every breath of air, like its hard to breathe. He cries all the time too. I just feel like the vet doesn't know what's wrong with him.

Should this happen when you masturbate?

ok, so i finished masturbating a few days ago, but i didn't really feel an orgasm, and i felt as though there was something stuck in my penis, i pushed hard, and very lumpy semen came out, this is the first time it happened, and the last, what is it? it can't be an infection coz it only happened once, do you have any idea?

Has my red zebra cichlid swallowed some of her eggs?

Yesterday her throat/ mouth was full of eggs. Today it doesnt look as swollen and full. Is there a chance that she has swallowed some or all of them or have they possibly hatched. I dont think they have hatched already because she has hold been holding them for a couple of days. I cant get a good look at her b/c she is alway hiding. When is the best time to move her to her own tank? If i move her now will stress cause her to spit prematurely or swallow them? plz help. i have waited sooooo long for this to happen & i am very excited!!!!

What was your biggest waste of PPV Money?

Wrestlemania the only exiting match was hhh vs undertaker all the other matches were soo boring thry were ti quick

I have small bumps on the shaft of my penis, but I'm not sexually active. Is this normal?

I'm 15 about to be 16 and I am a little worried if I have some disease or infection. I am not sexually active and I won't be until day I am married because I made a promise. Is this normal or something I should be worried about considerably.

What are some materials to make a realistic mermaid tail to swim in?

i just learned to sew, so i wanted to try to make a realistic mermaid tail! please give materials and stores :D

I am 14 years old, can someone please give me an estimate of how tall i will be?

Im am 14 years old, i was born prematurely by 2 months, i am 4'11, my mother is 5'4, my father is 5'10, my doctor has told me i am on the very early stages of puberty, please provide me with an estimate

Do mermaids exist? because i heard that there is this video...?

that when a bunch of whales were found on the coasts of the whole world they went to look and all their tenpins were poped so they looked for the sound and found this weird sound that wasn't in any animals vocabulary and in africa they found a dead shark on the coast with a sting from a stingray and they looked in its stomach and found a tail just like a manatee but with bones and two human hands, they also found flexible ribs like from animals that learned how to swim (dolphin, whale, manatee,etc.) and something like a human skull but without a fore head and a longer back of the head. they found all human teeth but the canines were sharper and larger. then a fisher said every day when he went fishing he would see this weird animal that would always go in the net but would always run away, so one day he took a foto of it but it ran so in the foto it was just the tail which was exactly like the tail they found in the shark. Does anyone know where i can find this video?

Preterm labor and water didnt break?

Hey I'm 28 weeks and i think I had my bloody show so I rushed to da hospital I been here for 3 days and my water has not broke yet. I got da steriod shots but I'm still concerned about da baby lungs will not be strong enough if I have him prematurely. Can someone related to this and give some advise?

Birth control and antibiotic question?

Yes it is. That pharmacist should not have been allowed to graduate if they don't know that antibiotics affect birth control pills. Also why were you prescribed phenegran? That isn't a pain killer and really would not have any effect on a UTI. It's for allergies.

DO I have a yeast infection? or something else?

Okay so about 6 months ago, I shaved my pubic region and had unprotected sex with a guy whod only only had sex with one girl for 2 years. The next day, I began feeling a little bit itchy down there... the itch was not that bad unless I scratched.. It lasted for about a couple weeks and it cleared up after I got my period.. I havent had sex with anyone since.. now 6 months later, I shaved my pubic area again and the next day I started itching again! Its been almost a month and the itch has finally gone but for the past week I've had small paper like cuts around my vagina near my anus.. they go away as quick as they come... I also for one day had wierd discharge.. it was like pea sized clumps of white discharge.. kinda like cottage cheese but not as white. The discharge only lasted one day.. I'm so scared becuz I have read online that paperlike cuts can indicate herpes... however, i dont think its possible for me to have it and I don't even have sores or any of the other herpes symptoms.. Could I have a yeast infection... or possibly some other infection that was caused by shaving/? I want to go to the doctors to get tested just to calm my nerves but I can't affford going to the doctors.. i have no health insurance. Please has anyone had siimilar experiences??

Gifts for daughter's best friend?

In April, my daughter's best friend moved to Florida. The other girl's mother and I am each going to drive half way, my daughter is getting in their car and we are both driving to our own houses. We will do the same thing in 6 days. They always get each other funny gifts, and last time, Bre (her best friend) sent her a computer (hers was broken)! We want to get her something funny and cute. They both are little kids at heart and both are obsessed with everything Disney. We went to Walmart today and got a Disney Princess puzzle, a Sipper-Saurus (it is a drinking cup, you take the dinosaur's head off and fill it and then the tail is the straw, very cute), a fake banana, 4 packs of Silly Erasers (they were on sale for $0.25 for each pack of 2!), a pack of M&M's, a Little Mermaid (Bre loves the Little Mermaid) magic towel, Toy Story and Little Mermaid sticker sheets (her 2 favorite Disney movies), Sesame Street Fizzy Tub Colors, "Addicted to Texting" jelly bracelet, 2 t-shirts (one is Minnie Mouse and we got my daughter and her matching ones, the other shirt is of melted ice cream saying "NOOOOOO!!!!!"), a huge thing of bubbles, and a Nemo Pez container. Anything else funny and cute you can think of? Thanks!

What to call a toroise island in my story?

Japanese. It will read better with the other island's name, Lu Gui doesn't seem to go well with Megachasmidae, so if you combine them in the story it will sound odd to those reading it.

Could something like this be possible?

Your def not pregnant being on effective birth control will make your body go through some hormonal changeS. If you are around someone close to than you will feel what they feel during their pregnancy. It's the same as getting a period on the same day as someone. So good luck

Thoughts on pre-pubescent girls wearing swim tops/ on pieces?

I agree with your sister in law. There are way too many perverts around. She can return the swim bloomers or make sure the 2 year old wears a t shirt with them.

My dog keeps losing her bladder in her sleep?

she roughly about 17 to 20 yrs old...her legs are pretty stiff...and she wets her bed in her sleep...she has a hard time seeing & hearing...she doesnt seem to be in alot of pain...i can tell at times she is...i just dont want to put her to sleep prematurely

Question about writing my story?will choose best answer!?

Okay so I want to write a novel about mermaids. But they need an opponent and I can't figure out if want to use vampires or wolve! I know both are overly used in today's literature but i am going to shed em in a new light promise! I want it to be about her mermaids, who dominate the sea, and wolves/vamps who dominate the land. But I can't decide who I want the mermaids big enemy to me:( help!

Ear infection or ruptured?

what the difference? I have been getting shooting pains in my ear for about 2 weeks now but with 4th of July, the free clinic will be closed so any relief for hte weekend so I can enjoy the holiday would be nice :) I tried peroxide and 2 different kinds of ear drops. The last round of ear drops that I started last week really helped or I would have gone to the doctor this week but it took a sudden turn for the worse about a few hours ago and the pain is now constant.

Urinary tract infection...?

I had back ache last night, I am about 2 days late for my period. I have been expecting to get it for the past several weeks. About 1 week and a half ago I started getting cramps and I was at work one tme when it happened and they thew me off a little bit and distracted me. They went away for a few days but they have been back the last couple and I swear my period is on, like it feels like I am actually on my period but Im not. Yesterday it felt like I had just started so I went to the toilet but there was alot of discharge instead. I have never had this before, or maybe just not notice, can you get lots of white discharge the day or the day before you start your perod? I never have but I just want to know if it is common? I had unprotected sex a little over 3 weeks ago, and a week ago had a tiny bit of spotting on tissue like hardly any just when I wiped but I also had a urinary tract infection that day so thought it was down to that, even though it wasnt from my urine. Any help is appreciated.

My parents want to put one of our cats to sleep?

Sorry but there's no way to cope when its not a serious condition. Only monsters would rather get an animal euthanized than figure out the problem. They should either start the treatment again, take it back to the vet or find another solution. If its something serious that the cat is actually sick/suffering then yea, I can see putting it to sleep. Otherwise convenience euths are wrong and not all vets do that anyways because its highly frowned upon. Either way, it will always be hard to lose a pet after that many years.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Recent surgery, now scars smell?

so last week i had my apendix out, the wounds are healing quite welll, and there no infection, i shower everyday and make sure i carefully sprinkle some water on my wounds and dry them carefully, but for some reason il be sittin down and i can smell them, its like a burning smell, should i be worried??

Pressure near my vagina. Help?

I have this pressure and it makes me feel like i have to pee but when i go very little urine comes out. Now i have been eating alot but i am a lifeguard and work in the sun and also work out alot. Could this be a bladder infection? If so how do i cure it?

Urine and uti question?

ok i know how you can get bladder infections if you wipe back to front because youre spreading e coli bacteria to the urethera but i was wondering, if i wipe from front to back, and i dont wipe ALLL the urine, or i have some leftover, could that cause a bladder infection too because ill wipe but sometimes its not ALL wipped off. completely. because i know urine is sterile so if i dont get all of it, is it ok? or if i just let it drip dry is it ok?

My girlfriend keeps on asking me when am I ready for kids?

She keeps on asking me when would I be ready for a baby, I said after everything has died down (my mum had twins, her 2nd set prematurely, her mom has terminal cancer, we're going to become legal guardians to her 3 younger siblings........), and she came over about 2 hours ago, and I went to the shop, and instead of walking around with me, she went off on her own, she paid on her own too. She left 10mins ago to go see her mother, but there's a positive pregnancy test on my sink.....

I cant stop throwing up?

Hey, so this morning I woke up because I felt like I had to throwup. As soon as I sat up I threw up about 10 to 15 times in a row snd laid back down. I kept getting hot and cold. When I woke back up not very long after, I sat up and threw up another 10 times. Right now im just laying on my bed. My mom hasnt given me any medecine or anything. & I havent aten or dranken anything yet. What is causing this? The other day I fell on my longboard and got some really bad road rash , its starting to get infected and swelling a lot I cant really walk. Would that have anything to do with it since my immune system is trying to fight off the infection? Thanks

Need help finding name of movie?

All I remember is there's a kid who's granfather is reading him a book and the kid gets transported into the book and meets a mermaid, and pirates who are treasure hunting.

Anime where normal human boy gets in a relationship with an alien,mythical creature?

i have watched a few like my bride is a mermaid, to love ru(both seasons) these anime were really good.

I wanna start a debate!! Is Sebastion from The Little Mermaid a crab or a lobster?!?

Some people say crab...some say lobster...what do you think???? :) PLEASE ANSWER! wouldnt this be a fun debate?!

Catcher Buster Posey seriously injured during collision, should the Giants have him change posistions?

No, they should keep him at catcher. The Giants should not move Posey to another position based on one injury. The reason why Posey is a special player is because he can provide offense at catcher. Posey's offense would allow him to play other positions, and he would be an all-star at first, third, or the outfield due to his athleticism. Still, it's his value at catcher that sets him apart. Apart from Joe Mauer, there aren't many catchers who can hit like Posey. Don't forget his leadership abilities, and the way that he works with the Giants pitching staff. Buster Posey is a young guy, but is getting a lot of respect for the way he leads from his catching position. It's no coincidence that the Giants won the World Series last year with him behind the plate.

Whats your favorite Disney movie? lol?

so im 18.. and i was pretty much raised in the 90s and was remembering about those great movies =D Sooo whats ur favorite movie? just a fun Mine would be The little mermaid 2 or Tarzan haha...

Internet browsers slow, hang, unresponsive?

I need some helP here. Apparently my laptop had a problem with all the major browsers. Im talking bout chrome,safari, and mozilla. Everytime i tried to open a site it took forever to load, and most of the time its unresponsive (noted by kill the page tab by chrome). Its not a connection problem cause im using a wireless router at home and my sister can access the internet fine from the other room. It occured about two days ago and out of nowhere. I remembered that i downloaded some stuff the night before that. Could it be a virus or spyware infection?

Can you shower with...?

A peeled sunburn? It is soo raw and sore I have been in so much pain (I peeled a little prematurely right in between my boobs) and I want to showerbut I'm scared to get it wet. Also does anyone know how I can soothe it or anything?

Does he just want to hook up?

the thing that strikes me is that he's probably embarrassed about the whole premature ejaculation thing! that sort of thing embarrasses guys a hell of a lot more than we realise and than they admit to! he probably isn;t sure about what you think about it and whether you want to hook up with him again after that happening and he's probably worried about it happening again! i'd suggest you make some sort of move to show you do want to hook up with him again and see where it goes from there.... good luck.

I dont know if it's a UTI or a yeast infection? help hurting bad!?

here are my symptoms... it doesnt itch out side my vagina but it does itch inside, um i got a pressure where my lower stomach is and it hurts laying on it, theres that one time out of nowhere when i randomly got naustious but didnt vomit, i dont have a fever, there are time that i got to pee but not every 5 secs. my discharge was like white and clumpy looking but its not bleeding and it hurts when i have sex. oh yea um can any of these are contagious to my partner without an condom?

Why do I have to re-install Alliance of Valiant Arms?

Hello. I have the AVA webpage as one of the pages that open when I open Chrome, so I noticed that they finally added the Infection mode. (zombies) and added the Galil MAR. Then I went to the IJJI Reactor to- of course- update the game! But when I came to, the Reactor told me that it was not installed, and that I had to re-download the installer. Bullchickensh!t! I re-installed the game, so I hope it would work. Any reason WHY this had to happen? Thanks.

What Are there any other really good Australian shows/movies I can watch?

Home and Away is a popular soapie about teens living near the beach. Or try Blue Heelers, The Secret Life of Us, Heartbreak High

Can you get an sti from having sex with a girl on her period?

me and my boyfriend having been having unprotected sex for 2 years now. having sex while on my period grosses him out because of the smell of blood. now he is worried that he get sometime of infection from it can he?

Pretty sure I have an allergy-induced sinus infection?

If you have drainage in your throat, I know that really bugs you. For drainage, gargle a cup of warm salt water once every hour. 1 tsp. salt per 1 cup of warm water. Hope that helps! Also opens up nasal passages. Use saline nose spray also!

Why did I recently begin to prematurely ejaculate?

You can learn to control ejaculation better by doing Kegel exercises. Research has also shown that there may be a link between nitric oxide levels and premature ejaculation. I wrote an article about it, see the link below. Hope this helps...

My dog keeps losing her bladder in her sleep?

she roughly about 17 to 20 yrs old...her legs are pretty stiff...and she wets her bed in her sleep...she has a hard time seeing & hearing...she doesnt seem to be in alot of pain...i can tell at times she is...i just dont want to put her to sleep prematurely

What is the best thing to do?

it seems like this girl is just toying with you.. you need to move on because she is not worth your time

What's this film/movie called.?.?

It's about a girl (think she has blonde hair) who is a mermaid and somehow she ends up in an appartment with a father and daughter (I think it's been years and years since a saw it) and she needs to go into the bathtub sometimes or she will die and when she goes in she has a tail.

How long does a yeast infection last? And how do you get it?

These past two weeks I've had a serious itch in my vaginal area, just realized it's an yeast infection. I've dont some research but none of it gave information about about how long it could last. I've never had intercourse before but I have been fingered not sure if i could of gotten it from that. But let me know.

Is anyone else reluctant to start watching any new serialised TV shows in case they are cancelled ?

Yes I am. Between the The Cape, The Event, and FlashForward, I am really not open to watching any serialized shows for a while. I'll stick to Burn Notice.

Why would my 2 yr old (with ear tubes) pull and tug his ears?

My nephew had ear tubes and he still got ear infections. If your son's ears seem to hurt then I'd take him in.

Ho do I prevet from ejaculating prematurely?

Research has found that there may be a link between nitric oxide levels and premature ejaculation (check out the article below). There are several ways to increase nitric oxide, including foods (grape juice, green peas) and supplements (horny goat weed, l-arginine, tribulus, tongkat ali, etc.). I take Spartan Blend and do Kegel exercises, but you should ask your doctor before you take anything- especially if you have a heart condition. If you're under 18, don't take anything. If you are looking for more research, you may want to search Pubmed for more studies.

What do we mean when we say a galaxy is “alive” or “dead?”?

What do we mean when we say a galaxy is “alive” or “dead?” After answering that, explain one of the two ways a galaxy can be “prematurely aged.”

Did my mechanic suggest a new part prematurely?

my mechanic had me replace my fuel injection regulator because my cylinders were fuel rich. Now they are fuel lean, and he is inspecting the injectors. Shouldn't he have done this in the first place? He says there was no reason to check them because they haven't had problems starting the car cold, but I have told him a few times that I have problems starting the car at all, especially when it is cold. Regardless of what anyone says, i will pay him, and I understand human error, etc. Please let me know what you think!

My friend thinks this? Is this just an excuse?

I have a friend named Samantha, and she was born two months prematurely. She always says "I was born premature!" and uses that excuse so that people are nice to her, including her mom (but she doesn't say that directly to her mom; she says that if her mom doesn't get or do what Samantha wants her to). And if they're not nice to her even once, she has the 'cold shoulder' about her. Is this just an excuse to get attention?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

My boss is planning to fire me. Should I just quit?

you never know if the manager can change her mind... quitting also looks bad on a resume so just wait and see what happens

Need love/relationship advice?

Hmm I think that maybe u are self conscience around him or guys n genereallt bc of the fact that u are obese(which means nothing bc u r beautiful:))..and u feel more comfortably with ur body being with girls maybe that's why u can't imagine urself with him self confidence bc I'm sure u can idt it has nothing to do with ur sexulity

How Can I Tell What is Wrong With my 18 Month Old? He Has Bad Breath, Fever ...?

Its better to go to a doctor :-) dont let anyone tell something about ur kids health without knowing who they are.

Is it really bad to take 3, skip two, then start back taking 10 antibiotics for a finger infection?

I have a finger infection and i went to the doctor who prescribed me 10 antibiotics. I took 3 of them, skipped two days, then began to take the rest. is that really bad?

Why does it burn when i pee?

It burns like EVERY TIME i pee!! it's not and STD or an infection of any kind, and it isn't the soap i use, either, my doctor checked! so whY?? and also sometimes if the pee won't come out, i get these cramps one side or the other of my lower back sort of where my kidneys are and they hurt really bad! this has been going on for awhile???

Help! Flying with a minor cold?

I am visiting my family in Vietnam and will be leaving in about 24 hours. I have a stuffy/runny rose and am coughing. It's very hard to access medicinal products (good ones) here. I will be on a plane for three hours to Taiwan, and then 16 hrs to Los Angeles. I am hearing all of these stories of people loosing hearing, getting ear infections, and so on. I am able to buy any medicine that I need but I don't know what kind, maybe decongestants? Tips on how or when to take them, what I should do, I would be very grateful. And I am NOT able to NOT fly because I need to get home, it's an emergency. Please help me! ):

What do you want to be for Halloween?

Im either going to be a forest fairy or a mermaid (soley to do the awesome makeup that comes with it) So what are you planning on doing?

I want to get engaged, but I dont know if i should...?

I accidentally started off my adulthood prematurely. I got pregnant at 15, and had my son at 16. The father and I were both in a REALLY bad spot in our lives that consisted of drugs and nothing more when I got pregnant. Needless to say, when I chose to keep my son, I made him my number one priority and from that point on my entire life has revolved around him. I finished high school, I quit everything cold turkey, I got two jobs, I started college, etc. His father was not ready nor willing to accept the responsibilities of being a parent and bailed out within the first trimester of my pregnancy. I had no intention of dating, like I said, my son was my main focus. However, a good friend of mine stepped in to be a part of my loving support system, and he stood by my side throughout my pregnancy. I had never even thought of him as the boyfriend type because before my son, him and I lived completely different lifestyles. I partied, he studied; I (almost) dropped out of high school, he is going to college and graduated with honors; I was bad, he was practically angelic. Anyways, he waited in the hospital waiting room with my dad when my son was born, the two of them pacing and shaking with nerves. He took time off work to stay with me (we camped out in that same waiting room) when my son was admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for a week even through New Years. He asked me out numerous times but I turned him down again and again because I didn't want to start a relationship before I was able to get situated in my new role as a mother. After a few months though we made our relationship official and have officially been together over a year and a half. We are living together and he is raising my son with me. He is the best father I could have ever asked for for my son, and the most amazing person I have ever met. We argue occasionally, but he is always willing to compromise and we never go to sleep without first resolving the issue. Our communication was rocky at first, but we have almost perfected it (although I don't expect it to ever be perfect). What matters is that we are able to work as a team to overcome obstacles. We love and respect one another. My relationship with him is unlike any other relationship I have ever had. Mostly because my other relationships consisted of two incomplete people meshing together trying to fill each others voids. But my pregnancy both forced and encouraged me to move in a positive direction and become a complete person. Now my relationship consists of two complete people who compliment one another and encourage growth and personal success. He is my support system, he is my best friend, he is the person I confide in, laugh with, cry with. I am shameless around him because even in my worst moments, my weakest moments, my most embarrassing moments, he still loves me. I already know that I am going to spend my life with him. My mind can't even conjure up a picture of my future without him. The only thing is, I am still only 17 (I turn 18 in July). My family and friends all support our relationship wholeheartedly, but because I had my son so young (even though he was a blessing in disguise and is loved immensely!) I feel as though I am somewhat of a disgrace to my family and I am afraid of making another big decision too soon. Of course, the timing is ultimately up to him, and we have already agreed to wait until after I turn 18 to get engaged, but we have already picked out the rings and I know it is something we both want. We probably will be engaged for at least two years before we actually get married. I am completely confident about spending my life with him, I guess I am just worried about what other people think. I know I shouldn't care, but I made one big mistake and have devoted my life to my son which has made everyone's standards for me a lot higher. I just don't want people to look down on me again. I want to get engaged when I know people will be happy for me and supportive of my decision.

Is there any way to tell if someone is connected or is using your computer or service without you knowing?

And if so, HOW can you find out please? I think my roomate is stealing my comcast but I'm not sure and don't want to alarm the company prematurely.

How do you tell if your a mermaid?

i want to know there traits and habits....... plz dont tease im trying to figure out whats wrong with me and my cusin :)

Have you ever gone streaking?

I absolutely love the feel and thrill of being naked (I'm naked as I'm writing this) so last week I went streaking at the hotel I was staying at. I took off my shirts, shorts, shoes, and boxers, standing in my room completely nude holding nothing but my room key. I poked my head out the door one last time to make sure that no one was in the hallway and stepped out of the comfort of my room while my door locked behind me. I decided before I left that I might as well make the most of it so I ran from my room (which just happened to be right in the middle of the hallway) all the way to the last room on my floor and back past my room to the stairs at the opposing end. Looking back and realizing how anticlimactic the experience had been, I decided to have just a bit more fun. I proceeded out the door which led to the stairs and heard it close tightly behind me. That's when I turned around and read the sign "No re-entry on current floor." I checked the door and it wouldn't budge. The sign also read "Re-entry on Lobby, 3rd, and 10th floors." I was on the 6th so I decided that my best bet would be to go down to the 3rd floor and attempt to take the elevator back up to my floor. Two flights of stairs down I looked down and felt my heart stop. Someone was coming up the stairs and it was quite obvious that they weren't stopping before the 3rd. I had left all my clothes up in my room and the only thing I had on me was my room key. My only choice was up. As the footsteps steadily became louder as the person proceeded up the stairs I turned around and started sprinting for the 10th floor, hoping no one was on their way down. Interestingly enough, the person coming up the stairs got off on the 6th floor. Had I carried out my exploits just a few minutes later I would've been caught. I finally got up on the 10th floor and luckily the stairway access door on this floor opened. Now I just had to get to the elevator and make my way 4 floors down to the 6th. I was hesitant to call up the elevator but to my relief there was no one in it. My heart was pounding as the door closed and I felt the small elevator car slowly drop. Floor 10, 9, 8...the elevator stopped. Despite my pounding on the close door button, the doors began to open. All I could do was cover my crotch as two teenage girls a few years older than me looked down and giggled. I hoped that they wouldn't get in. They did. The doors closed and the elevator once again started to drop to the 6th floor. This time it didn't stop prematurely and I actually made it to my room. As I left the elevator one of the girls slapped my bare *** and I started running towards my room as they started giggling even louder than before. For some reason, my door denied me access for a few tries then finally the door unlocked. I rushed in and lay on my bed, my heart practically pounding through my chest at this point. I haven't figured out whether I'm willing to try this the next time I go to a hotel but I'm grateful I got away with it. I was just wondering if anyone else has ever had a similar experience. If so, feel free to share.

Could I have a yeast infection? or something else?

Okay so about 6 months ago, I shaved my pubic region and had unprotected sex with a guy whod only only had sex with one girl for 2 years. The next day, I began feeling a little bit itchy down there... the itch was not that bad unless I scratched.. It lasted for about a couple weeks and it cleared up after I got my period.. I havent had sex with anyone since.. now 6 months later, I shaved my pubic area again and the next day I started itching again! Its been almost a month and the itch has finally gone but for the past week I've had small paper like cuts around my vagina near my anus.. they go away as quick as they come... I also for one day had wierd discharge.. it was like pea sized clumps of white discharge.. kinda like cottage cheese but not as white. The discharge only lasted one day.. I'm so scared becuz I have read online that paperlike cuts can indicate herpes... however, i dont think its possible for me to have it and I don't even have sores or any of the other herpes symptoms.. Could I have a yeast infection... or possibly some other infection that was caused by shaving/? I want to go to the doctors to get tested just to calm my nerves but I can't affford going to the doctors.. i have no health insurance. Please has anyone had siimilar experiences??

What are some Reeeeeally AWESOME Rom/Com animes PLZ!!!!!?

You've watched basically all the ones I've watched and the ones you haven't like Nana you don't want to. But if you go to you can get some awesome reccomendations based on animes you've watched and loved. Just type in an anime and it'll give you reccomendations on other anime you should watch based on your search. That's all I can say.

I got my belly button pierced three summers ago and...?

so ive had my belly button pierced for three years now and last summer i took it out for a week because i was on vacation at my lake and i didn't want it to get ripped out when i was tubing and water skiing. After my vacation when i returned home and put the ring back in the hole had closed. I decided not to deal with it and left it out all year up till now. Im deciding to get it re- pierced tomorrow and was wondering if it would be a bad idea to do that bc i heard it can cause infections easily?? if you have had a bad experience about that please let me know!! :)

PLEASE Only serious answers!!!!!!?

I have been on vacation at Sydney Australia and I was scuba diving and saw a large tail going behind some seaweed and I saw what I think was human hands. So what could this be my guess is a mermaid and please no smart @@$ remarks

My newly girl baby is prematurely born ed.she was into her 31 weeks ,when born ed. she is now suffering from?

plus disease, can anyone specify the best treatment for her problem. I certainly appreciate any honest and fast responce.

Will i have bad luck or will i die if im not babtized?

Okay. Ive never been babtised in my life. Also, my luck is the shitiest thing youve ever seen. Is it because im not babtised? Also, not being babtized means not being under the protection of God dosent it? please correctme if im wrong. And another thing, Does it mean thta i might die prematurely or get killed orsomethign like that? Does it mean that i still havent shared my spirit or soul with God or anybody? Not being babtised, doesit mean that i can sin and be forgivven since i havent made a "pact" with God? I would appreciate if every question would be answered. I really wanna know the truth, even if its ugly. Thanks

External Ear Infection and Flying?

I have swimmers ear and it is only affecting my outer ear from what the doc could see. She put me on pills to help encase of a middle ear infection and drops for the outer one. I have had this infection (swimmers ear) since Sunday-Monday and have a flight tomorrow night. At the moment the pain has gone away and there's just a few rem nets of blood leftover on my outer ear but I still have a feeling of fullness (doc says it is from swelling). I can not miss this flight to Florida (going on a cruise). Suggestions on what to do to avoid a possible eardrum rupture or pain? or if I am even eligible to get a rupture?

Not The Little Mermaid Disney ride?

I think that's at sea world, journey to Atlantis or something. It's not the little mermaid lol I got to Disney ALL THE TIME.... I would know lol. I remember from the time I went to sea world tho :) hope I've helped!

What is the average length of a Mermaid tail? The average wing span of a fairy?

Mermaid tail is the length of a black guy's wiener and the fairy wing is the length of the asian guy's sausage

Why does the doctor want to do a colposcopy on me?

I am really nervous about this cause i have had about three pap smears in the past year and a half due to being pregnant and having to move alot. But my recent pap smear came back abnormal and the doctor didn't say much more then that i needed to come in and get a colposcopy done. My main question is would he have me come in and get this done if it just an infection? would i still have to come in a get it done if the abnormal pap smear is ASC-US? Sorry for all of the questions but i want answers before i go into the doctor and this procedure done. I have done some research on the colposcopy already so i know what is going to happen. And i dont think i can have a HPV cause i have been with the same partner since my last pap smear and he has not slept with anyone other then me after all we are married. :) Please and thank you for answering my question. and sorry for the misspelled words.

Question about recent tooth extraction and infection?

He is doing the right thing for the time being. Your body needs time to heal. When a patient calls or comes into our office with an infection we do the same thing. Start them on a course of antibiotics (AB) and tell them to let us know if things do not get better. Some develop an immunity to certain AB and we may have to switch to a different one. After they take the course, about a week, bring them in to take a look. A little infection is not the end of the world. As long as things are improving then your body and the AB are doing their jobs. If the underlying problem causes us to extract the tooth or do a root canal well then we do that. In that he already extracted the tooth and is waiting for you to heal and that you are healing properly....he is doing the right thing and not giving you any AB. Giving out to many AB is becoming a problem and doctor try hard not to do it. Hopefully you have another post op check at some point and hopefully things get better. Good luck.

Why does medi-cal cover treatment for STD's and STI's but not mastisis Repost?

I am sorry for your 'sob' story as you put it. Try list site for some treatment help. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What happens if you don't clean the dirt our a cut good enough?

I cut my hands pretty bad back in February, but I had the dirt in the cuts for about an hour until I got home to wash it out. And I am asking what would happen if someone doesn't get the dirt out. Then what kind of infection would happen and is it curable?

Does very pale skin and brown hair/eyes look sexy or gross?

I'm Norwegian ethnicity and have naturally very pale skin. I've been using self-tanning lotion regularly throughout the summer and I feel sexier when I use it, but my mom tells me it looks horrible and I should just leave my skin how it naturally is. I hate the idea of using a tanning bed though and I always wear sunscreen when I'm outside because I don't want to get skin cancer or age prematurely. Having healthy skin when I'm older is important to me but I don't want to look like a ghost while I'm young. I think pale skin looks good on redheads and blonde/blue-eyed people, but I have dark brown eyes and light brown hair, so I feel like it doesn't look quite right, like my skin should match my hair and eyes more. I know some female celebrities are really pale also and manage to pull it off, but I never hear guys in my age group refer to them as "hot." Should I continue fake-tanning or is it possible to still look sexy as a pale brunette?

What is a good general thesis statement about appearance vs. reality?

Paul Dempster and Boy Staunton in "Fifth Business", by Robertson Davies, show the deceiving nature of appearance being associated with reality.

Have you ever had a regret that upsets you so much you can't get it out of ur head even for years?

I'm really upset it's hard for me to get laid and one time two years ago I had a chance with an amazing girl but came prematurely and blew the most amazing experience i could have had in my whole life. Not to mention I just got back on an awesome road trip which would have made the whole memory magical. Not to mention I probably would have been close to that amazing girl if it didn't happen because of me wanting to have it again made me nervous around her. She hates me now. Two years later the thoughts still come to my mind eveyday and I get very upset. Have you ever had this experience before? how should I let go of this guilt?

When will Disney movies come out of the vault?

I would say that its about every ten years maybe? But some of them have already come out: Bambi, I think Pinocchio, Alice in Wonderland, I think Peter Pan, Sleeping Beauty, I think The Jungle Book, The Little Mermaid, and I think The Lion King.

Do troll beads fit on pandora?

I really love the silver troll beads charms (such as the mermaid and fairy ect..) but i prefer the Pandora bracelets and clasp. Will the silver troll bead charms fit on a Pandora bracelet??

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I have had an infection in my ear from a piercing for about a year. i recently pierced near where that was. it?

was closed up so became an abscess. it is less than a cm away from the new piercing. it seems to be getting alot smaller. will this infection drain through the close piercing? it is not touching where the abscess was?

I am not sure if i have a kidney infection?

I have bin feeling a very very slight pain in my blatter for about two weaks now. It did not really hurt at all. But now i have this VERY slight pain in my lower left side of my back. My pee looks fine and i do not have a fever and there is no pain or blood when urinating. Do you think i have a kidney infection? Also i have a phisical some time next week soow i am going to the doctor soon. I am a little worried.

Kinda embarrassing question...?

Hello all... I have kind of an awkward question to ask. I am currently 8 months pregnant with my 2nd child and for the last 3 months or so i have been fighting an unbearable yeast infection. I've tried monistat, and azo yeast but nothing seems to be helping. The monistate took it away but it comes back. I've never had a yeast infection before and quite frankly I didnt even know what it was until i started to do research online and discovered that pregnant women are prone to them. I have a doctor appointment tmw for my 8 months check up but was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this? I have heard people say before that they have a yeast infection but they always said it so non chalantley like it was no big deal. This is something i personally have become very embarrassed and frustrated about and just want it to go away and stay away. Any advice or anyone else have this problem during pregnancy?

Will I still have colostrum for my own baby if I express during pregnancy to help a friend's premature baby?

You won't compromise your supply for your baby once it's born, but prolonged nipple stimulation can lead to labour. Since you are 37 weeks that may not be such a big deal, but please clear this with your OB before you start.

What do you think i should do?

now i know that most of you are going to tell me dont die or committ suicide...I DONT PLAN ON IT..i just have been sitting here for the past 4 hours deciding if knowing the answer to the question asked round the world was worth knowing prematurely,,what is the other side, if there is one..if not then it doesnt matter cuz i will cease to exist so i wont be upset by the answer because i wont be there to experience nothing...i dont know what to do or think anymore

How do mermaids have kids?

how do they have sex and also how would they give birth to their kids? i know mermiads are myth but still

MINOR Ingrown toenail?

So I have had this ingrown toenail for about 9 days and I went to the doctors last week and she took a look at it and she said just soak your feet for 15 minutes twice a day and if it hurts so much that you cant walk go to a podiatrist. I didn't really do the soaking this week but i did make sure that it was infection clean and that I was keep my toe clean. I started today soaking my feet. if I keep soaking my feet like the doctor told me will the ingrown toenail go away? And there is a little blister at the top of the toe because I think I got it from tight shoes that I have been wearing the past week and that the friction has caused my ingrown toe nail. My toe isnt red either. Anything will help thanks.

Opinions on this one name?

I dont really like it very much I think if your going to name it similar you may as well name it as Marissa. But I dont like that name either. I like the meaning but I dont really like the name, maybe as a middle name it's cuter.

Where to find info on earthenware with makers mark FGW?

A pair of large earthenware candlesticksin the form of a triton & mermaid, colored black or dark bronze with copper highlights with FGW impressed on the bottom. They look very old.

What are some good 30 second monologues from Disney movies?

I'm a female, so obviously I want a female part unless its as Peter Pan. (lol) I prefer no Hercules, but if there's a good one from Hercules, it's COMPLETELY fine. Also, please be sure it's a CLASSIC Disney movie, not things like Bolt, Hannah Montana, Cars, etc. More like Aladdin, Mulan, Beauty and the Beast, Sleeping Beauty, The Little Mermaid, etc. I also must add that any monologue you have that is too long but can be shortened, let me know. Please no directions to websites, I really don't like those just because most require to take quizzes to get information. Thanks for all help!!!

Reputable online body jewelry stores?

I want to buy jewelry online for a fresh facial piercing, and don't want to use 'cheap' or low quality jewelry, as the last thing I want is an infection! Can you direct me to some reputable/trustworthy body jewelry sites? Thanks!

What is the best way to cure ear and tooth pain?

I have a wicked left ear infection and at the same time, my back two left teeth, from my booth teeth layer is killing me. Is there an easy way to cure this? It hurts really bad. I hate it. It's like the worst pain, I've ever felt in my life. >.< I already saw a doctor and was put on medication for this. But, I still have the pain. What should I do? Could it be caused by allergies, because I have those. It's like I want to just cut off my ear and break off my left jaw. >.< -Dallas

Poll: Favorite disney song(s) when you were younger:)?

"a winga wapa a winga wapa a winga wapa winga wapa, in the jungle the mighty jungle the lion sleeps tonightttt! in the jungle the mighty jungle- pumba, i can't hear you buddy, back me up- a weeeeeeeee"

Does anyone know anything about something called Book Syndrome?

This is a medical issues that has symptoms of excessive sweating of palms of hand and soles of feet. It also has prematurely graying of hair and missing teeth? Any info about this would be nice or where I could find info.

I had a bladder infection and have already took all the pills needed and have been wating yogurt...?

and today at work, it felt like i had my period so i went and checked and it sorta looked like blood but then came back several times and it was more brownish-yellow-redish then bloody. My doctor told me that those pills would normally cause a bladder infection.. should I wait it out and see if it goes away?

How do i train my kids to sleep in their beds?

I have twins. I really need to train them to sleep in their own beds. they are a little over a year and were born prematurely. came home on breathing machines and heart monitors so for basically the first year of their life they slept with me. So now that they are getting bigger and off all their machines and seem to be going in the right direction health wise, how do i go about putting them to sleep in their own beds. I am a single mom and have not much self control to sit while they cry so it is going to be really hard for me, but I know it will be for the best and will make everyone happier and sleep better once I know they are safely soundly asleep in their beds.

I found blood on my panties after taking ketek?

I am also a chronic asthmatic and my period was about 5 days ago. I am taking ketek for a lung infection.

Any advice for people that are freaking out over May 21st, and are starting to feel the effects prematurely?

The guy proposing the date is wrong. He was wrong in 1994 when he thought it would end then too. Thousands before him were wrong as well. Check out the linked site to see how many times people have been wrong about the end of the world, many of them using the same book of lies Camping is.

Do you think you can spot Donald, Goofy and Mickey in this picture?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

I just saw pirates of the carribean 4 and had a question about something i saw in it about mermaids?

half way through the movie serena was in a glass box filled with water. the cage broke. all of a sudden she had legs. you could see the knees and such right before she grew the legs through the fins. then towards the end of the movie she had fins again. how does that happen? how can a mermaid have fins one second then legs the next and then back to having fins again?

Details (cost, where to get piercing? where to get earring) of getting ear piercing?

its just a piercing. go to claires, they are legit and the earrings are cheap but good quality. you will obviously have to clean it a few times a day and what not and do not take it out when you sleep the hole will close up and you will be screwed. and yes, people keep earrings in for years on end. thats why you are getting it right? not to have it for a week. youre stressin too hard man. just go for it :)

Do you like H2O? You know the Mermaid show from Nick? I was just wondering? Cause I love it?!?

Its weird cuz i havent watched that show for a long time (since i live in america) but i think i liked season 2 and season 3 the best since season 1 seemed abit childish. Well my opinion. Zikki forever <3

Help with painful earrings?

I just changed my earrings for the first time, 5 weeks 2 days after my first lobe piercing (I changed it a little prematurely). The ear with the changed earring ( I only changed one ear) feels like a boulder is stuck inside it. The earrings are studs, so the hole isn't tearing open, is it? Is this normal?

Girlfriend confusion?

Im a junior in high school, and I've been with my girlfriend for like 3/4 months but liked eahother for a long time before that. Our dates lately have been... prematurely interrupted as her phone has malfunctioned in planning, family issues have come up, and about 4 days ago she got grounded and I haven't seen or talked to her at all... like Ive texted her saying I miss you and stuff in case she gets it back.. im afraid she thinks im mad for the cancelled dates so idk if she'll text me right away... should I like just wait it out until she gets her phone back or should I like sneak over/straight up ring their doorbell and try to at least see her? (Her parents love me). Idk any help would be greatly appreciated

Swollen tonsils infection?

I deepthroated a guy with no protection and a day later when I swallowed or ate my throat hurt and my tonsils especially my right was swollen, 3 days later they stopped being in pain but are still swollen and I can feel a lump on the outside of my throat on my neck, also I accidently hit the tonsil with my toothbrush and it started bleeding just a little bit. Does anyone know what it could possibly be???

Heat exhaustion or infected tooth?

Considering he had a fever(though possible he had heat exhaustion as well). I would suspect an infection. He needs to see a doctor asap. An infected tooth is no joke.

How to dis-infect my ball python cage? Please read details.?

My Ball Python died from resptory infection. I need to get a new ball python, but don't know how to dis infect the cage. Please help?

Mermaid melody song question?

this piano melody has played various times during the show and im in love with it! please help me find out the name heres a link it plays through 5:23-6:28 :) please help me ive tried but i cant i need to know! thanks and if the link doesnt work its mermaid melody pure episode 27 part 3 by Pearlmermaidprincess :)

Heat exhaustion or infected tooth?

the tooth may have had an abcess, and it could have released infected matter. but 101.5 is not a severe fever. but if it was heat exhaustion his symptoms don't sound typical either. a painful tooth is not something that should be ignored. if he taps the tooth with the handle of the spoon is there pain? if so get to a dentist.

Should I say something to people who came to my wedding and gave nothing?

I just had my wedding 3 weeks ago and had about 5 couples that gave no wedding gifts. I plan on waiting months before I draw a conclusion but I was wondering prematurely, what if nothing ever comes. Do I confront them? I could care less about the gifts, I just can't get over the laziness and inconsiderate behavior. The wedding was well received by many and it cost $110 a plate. There was also a couple that did not come because they said their kid was sick. We still had to pay for their plates and we had already gone to their wedding last year. I am not extremely close to them. I have low expectations that they will send something, so what do I do?


I think i have a yeast infection but i only have white discharge (not like cottage cheese) and it smells a little like fish is it a yeast infection or something else someone plz help!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What is Clomid and does it work?

I ovulate regularly and PMS is normal monthly. I'm just not getting pregnant. I had a baby 1 yr ago prematurely at 23 weeks due to an imcompetent cervix. Ever since then we have been trying and its just not happening.. My obgyn has just prescribed me clomid 50mg. I would like to know information, if it works, disadvantages, just anything good / bad on clomid.

What is the value of my dog?

The worth of the dog depends on your preference. If I got insurance for my MUTT right now, I would want it about $1500 dollars. I got her for $200 already spayed, chipped, and vaccinated. That's about all she's worth to anybody else. Some people only get about $200 worth of insurance for a dog worth much more. It depends on you. Personally, I'd say $420 for your dog.

Do i have a urinary tract infection?

go get it checked, granted its embarassing to piss in a jar but not doing so could lead to something serious later on.

My retainer feels loose around my gums?

get to your local dentist or othodontist sooon, you need to see if this is something serious, rather than have it turn into a bad lifelong situation

Cataract surgery...if you've had it, what was the worst thing about the process?

I prematurely have cataracts from asthma medication side effects...I know what the best thing about the surgery will be and that's being able to see again! But for those who have had to have it, what was the worst thing about it?

Where was the scene "Kiss the Girl" in the Little Mermaid supposed to be at?

I looked up lagoon, which people in my last question answered, but i don't think it was right because when i google'd it, it wasn't what i was looking for. I've searched it and i came up with a swamp (Which doesn't sound so romantic) wetland, Bottom land, or a Riparian. If it's something else, please give me the right term and if you don't know what i'm talking about, it's like a section of a lake and it's covered by a willow tree of some sort. In the Notebook, Allie and Noah row their boat through one.

Why do conservative engage in this apparently hypocritical behavior?

First, they claim we need to balance government budgets in order to instill investor confidence in the American economy and show we won't default on our debts. Then, they support not raising the debt ceiling, threatening to prematurely hit that debt default threshold. Is there some logical explanation for these apparently hypocritical stances? Do conservatives really believe we can make a $1.65 trillion budget shortfall disappear over the next 2 and half months, when Secretary Geitner's accounting tricks run out?

What would you do if you could travel back and forth in time traveling?

For example, would you prevent a person who died accidentally and prematurely to come back to life? Prevent a man made war or disaster? Or play the stock market and gain financial security or try to spark romance with a person that you were too shy to talk to in the past. I would personally do all the above but what about ya'll?

How much does having a physical disability affect a person’s dating life?

I would date someone with a physical disability because I want that person to know that they are not lonely in this world and that God cares for that person and so would I. I myself have a disability. I haven't driven since 1984 due to my disability. (seizures) Don't give up. Hang in there. The right one will come someday. That's what I'm doing. I haven't given up and never will give up because I am not a quitter. So if I meet a woman and we decide to go somewhere like a movie or out to eat, then there's no problem with that because I respect and accept her of who she is, not by her history,height, weight, etc. So don't let people get to you if people get to you even if they call you a loser, just ignore them because what matters is what you believe. I hope this helped you. Remember God loves you.

Do I have a bladder infection?

It can be both. I would recommend drinking as much cranberry juice as possible, and take cranberry supplements, and eat yogurt as well. It should help. It always helps me get rid of these problems...and I actually don't remember when was the last time I had an infection.

Are people with Albinism often born prematurely?

I'm not getting much of an answer from google, so I'm just wondering if Albinism is common among people who were born prematurely.

Have you ever recieved money in the mail from an anonymous person?

I often think of doing something like that for someone - and now I will take the impulse a bit more seriously, knowing that you found it heartwarming and not creepy. I always worry that people will take it as a put down if they are given money when they are having a hard time, and don't want to add insult to injury. My parents had it rough financially, and would have been insulted by such a gesture. It would have meant that we were not keeping our "shameful secret" well enough.

Should i call the father when i am going to deliver?

When the time comes, you will know what to do. Until then, take care of yourself, your family, and your little one to come. Good bless. I'm not in the situation so I don't know what to say, if it were me I would probably send him a text when I was going into labor and tell him that he can come see the baby once you get home.

Soreness on outside of vagina on the flat bit just under the stomach?

I've been having tests but no dr seems to know!! I'm not pregnant I do t have a urine infection so I was wondering could it be TSS ? Or polycystic ovaries? Or any sti ? I have been tested for chlamydia some few months ago and that was negative.

Confusion in the bed room?

Ok, so i was in bed with a girl already inside her. She told me to slow down, and i can't figure out why i didn't prematurely get off. Its not like we already hadn't started sexual intercourse. Can you go to fast and hurt a girl?

My neighbors dog viciously attacked my small dog out of both our yards never approached us are they liable 1K$?

We did not see attack but other neighbors did and the owner of attack dog was there and screaming watching my dog get excess of 100 stiches 6 drains and a wound 1/8th inch from main artery in neck. Never even had the human compassion to call and tell us or see how he was. Iam mad now my dog is at high risk for sever infection. This bad dog was brought up this way its all she knows.

Please recommend me great anime?

if you liked inuyasha, then you will like ranma 1/2. it's a really good show. it has 7 seasons and should keep you busy. you can find it on YouTube.

Cut on finger swollen a week later- Infection/problem?

A week ago I accidently gashed the side of my index finger with a kitchen knife. I went to urgent care and they soaked it in a solution, wrapped it up, and gave me a tetanus shot. A week later the cut is still swollen. It looks like a lump under the cut. Is this a normal part of the healing process or should I be worried about infection?

Computer Problem! Virus!!!?

I was on some forum site I'd never been on (I googled something and it came up) suddenly my laptop shut down. I thought it was dead or something, but it was on the charger. So I turned it on and tried to get back to where I was but i got four popups from Win 7 Home Security, saying I have infections (virus like Trojan), my anti virus needs renewed, so i decided to do that since I have no idea what Win 7 is, but it won't let me on the internet! Like a popup comes up and says, "This is not safe," and exits the site

Nuva ring birthcontroll has anyone had any bad experences....?

how do you like it... Is it uncomfortble during sex has it ever fallen out, made anyone sik, given them an infection.... I jus gave birth about 4 weeks ago nd I jus chose nuva ring as my borthcontrol methoid... I still have to wait 2 weeks for intrcorse nd I'm worried it will feel weird or fall out wat should I expect

Can you have a false negative with HSV2?

I recently had sex with someone I'm dating who happens to be an old friend. we used a condom, but I know he had an ex that had herpes. She was on suppressive therapy and hadn't had an outbreak in ten years. He has never had an outbreak. No one he has been with since has ever had an outbreak. I trust him on that. So as for me, I had been tested for everything about a year and a half ago, after a creepy ex, and had two paps and only dated one other person who I was with for over a year. He had only been with 3 other people and we always used condoms. I know that doesn't mean much. but trust me the dude was safe. So anyway this friend of mine and I had sex once with a condom, but he also ate me out, and within a day or two I was starting to have problems. I'm pretty in tune with my body, and I knew it wasn't normal. In a few days it went from UTI feeling to yeast infection feeling and one small blister on my erithra, but it really hurt. And then I was having night sweats and nausea and the kicker for me was that I had a sore throat and also just a tiny spot of watery orange, like watered down blood coming out not when I peed, but when i wiped, like from my pee hole. So I went straight to the doctor and got tested for HSV. It has only been a few days, and I'm concerned if the results come back negative that they could be wrong. So my question is... If you are showing clear symptoms, could a blood test miss it if you have it only for a short time?

Tonsillectomy scabs falling off - what to expect?

I am so scared. I am 20 years old, female, and on day 9 of my tonsillectomy recovery, a scab fell off prematurely. It was on the left side of my mouth tucked behind my tongue (I can't see it, I just know where blood was squiring from.). Turns out, blood started pouring out of my mouth, into the toilet. Horrified, I called 911 even though I was choking on my own blood. I filled up the toilet nearly to the rim with blood. I had to be rushed to the ER and had emergency surgery to stop the bleeding. SO... what happened when you lost your scabs? I'm so scared this will happen again when the right side falls off.... =[

How many paracetamol can I take in 4-5 hours?

I've already taken two at once, and I rarely take more than three a day. I have this unbelievable pain in my right ear and I have a fever (it's an infection, I can tell because I've had it before and obviously I can't go to the doctor with it in the middle of the night). I took two about 2.5 hours ago, and now the pain is back - so how many can I take now? I'm 15 by the way. Pretty sure the limit for two a day is 12, so..

I have a Bacteria Infection on my chest and am taking Keflex. I want to know...will Keflex kill the Bacterica?

venite qui,sito pieno di esperti di calcio,politica,tecnologia,tanti altri sport,consigli anche per la scuola e c'è la soluzione al tuo quesito a href="" rel="nofollow"http://laconoscenzaliberta.forumcommunit…/a

I need help, how do you picture this?

i think i imagine her with red hair in pigtails with a pink skirt and a polka-dotted shirt, but i really like ur idea too :) hope this helps and i think the kids will like ur book, its sooo cute! :)

My Goldfish has missing scales; what do you think it is? (Pictures Included)?

is they in the dark? This is a weird fact, but if you leave a goldfish in the dark it will eventually turn white. so i suggest putting them some litter place, but don't put them in the sun or under a lamp because that'll probably cook them. oh, you've had them for 10 years, theyre just getting older, don't worry about it. they will probably grow their scales back.

How can a u.s. Citizen help a non us citizen get citizenship if they currently live illlegally in the u.s.?

I have a friend who was born prematurely and litteraly isn't a citizen by a matter of days. He is a bilingual who contributes more to society than I do and he is going to school to be a dr. And I feel that our country would be a better place with him as a citizen. Besides marriage and anchor babies is there anything I can do?

I am 19, have dark brown hair, and found 2 white hairs!?

I haven't heard about anyone in my family going prematurely gray before. My mother (who has brown hair) told me she found some bright red hairs before but she never found anymore or went completely red. So, am I going gray prematurely or were those to hairs just a fluke? I have straightened my hair almost everyday for maybe the past four years but have never noticed any before. I guess I could say I'm stressed but I heard that does not actually cause grey hairs. Thanks for your help!!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Itchy bumps on body, Help me please..?

I am 20 yrs old female and about 4/6 weeks ago I begain having these tiny itchy some blister like bumps all over my body. They began around my arms and wrist. They spreaded to my stomach, armspits, thighs, feet, hands, breasts (particularly under breast), and back. The ones are my fingers and feet are small clusters of blisters while the ones on arms, stomach and back are red bumps varing in sizes. I am a clean person and shower everyday. I went to the doctor to see what it was. He didn't know but gave me cream, meds and a shot to treat fungi infections. Althought the most of the bumps disappeared, they are back. I also recently found out that my boyfriend, his roommate and his roommates girlfriend all have the bumps too. I have not eaten anything out of the norm. It is more noticeable at night/morning time (often waking me up). Can someone help me please?

Premature labor water has not broke?

Hi I'm 28 weeks and I think I had my bloody show so I rushed to da hospital. My water hasn't broken yet and I got da steriod shots but I'm still concerned if the baby lungs will be strong enough if I have him prematurely. Can someone relate or give advise?

Gifts for daughter's best friend?

In April, my daughter's best friend moved to Florida. The other girl's mother and I am each going to drive half way, my daughter is getting in their car and we are both driving to our own houses. We will do the same thing in 6 days. They always get each other funny gifts, and last time, Bre (her best friend) sent her a computer (hers was broken)! We want to get her something funny and cute. They both are little kids at heart and both are obsessed with everything Disney. We went to Walmart today and got a Disney Princess puzzle, a Sipper-Saurus (it is a drinking cup, you take the dinosaur's head off and fill it and then the tail is the straw, very cute), a fake banana, 4 packs of Silly Erasers (they were on sale for $0.25 for each pack of 2!), a pack of M&M's, a Little Mermaid (Bre loves the Little Mermaid) magic towel, Toy Story and Little Mermaid sticker sheets (her 2 favorite Disney movies), Sesame Street Fizzy Tub Colors, "Addicted to Texting" jelly bracelet, 2 t-shirts (one is Minnie Mouse and we got my daughter and her matching ones, the other shirt is of melted ice cream saying "NOOOOOO!!!!!"), a huge thing of bubbles, and a Nemo Pez container. Anything else funny and cute you can think of? Thanks!

Why is my vagina sore?

ok so at one point i didnt clean my vagina for 2 days [i know disgusting] and like it started hurting wen iwould touch the lower parts of the outter lips [which has like 2 little bumps on it that kinda hurt] and the inner lips kinda hurt when i touch then. This has happened before and i went to the doctor and she said it wasnt a yeast infection. Do u think its cause i didnt wash my vagina in 2 days and im not gonna skip days on keeping it clean anymore so do u think its gonna go away? Thanks c:

How do i not make myself feel bad because i have a learning disability?

i'm 14 years old, i was born prematurely so i was told that my brain didn't develop enough and i have learning disabilities, i have a short attention span it's hard for me to comprehend and i forget how to count money and see how much money i will get back when a purchase something, i have most special ed classes, it makes me sad and feel bad for myself i starting what should i do to not feel this way ?

Its a space movie and i dont remember the name?

it pretty much the movie is that this space crew has this object on board and it starts effecting the crew and making them homicidal and they try to kill the rest of the crew and this crew guy and crew chick try to solve the problem and find out that there infected and there blood is blue due to the infection

What are some must-read novels for teen girls?

Some books I have read and LOVED are: "Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac", "Double Identity", "Real Mermaids Don't Wear Toe Rings", "Stealing Heaven"............and I really need some more titles....It doesn't have to be excatly similar to the ones I listed above, just anything you think a teen girl should definately read. I am open to everything (just not boyish scifi stuff :P)

Poll-have you ever had a crush on a cartoon/anime character, disney character or a video game character:)?

You had a crush on Link? Lol. Anyway, I have a major crush on England from Hetalia and I was obsessed with Dib from Invader Zim when I was a kid.

How can I get two million dollars quickly?

I was talking to a friend who was witnessing the load-out for the prematurely closed Broadway musical Wonderland. She was talking to a member of the crew and asked how much money it would take to re-open the show again. He said around two million dollars. Being a Wonderland fanatic, I was wondering if there was a way that me and my fellow Wondertards could somehow acquire this sum quickly enough to save the show. Thoughts?

Will tanning 3 months a few times a week have a lasting effect?

First off, I've looked up some similar questions on this site before asking myself. In all of them, however, the only answers I seem to find are just people lecturing the "askers" on how tanning beds are for their skin. I know how bad it is. And I have stopped. I'm just worried if I have done a whole lot of damage to my skin, about aging prematurely mainly. I went for a total of 3 months on an average of 2 times a week. Is this going to damage me all that much?

If my baby falls out and I put it in a bucket does it need to breath?

I am wondering if a baby comes out prematurely, can it survive purely from the umbilical chord? My friend says that some women are flappy and loose and the baby can just fall out so if it was still getting it's oxygen and nutrients from the mother via the umbilical chord, what is the difference between it being inside the womb or outside in an artificial womb, perhaps a heated tank of amniotic fluid?

What is the best thing to do?

I think you should just worry about your studies! She is not worth your time! She is pretty much playing mind games with you and you don't need that! Focus on your studies and don't worry about her!

Gifts for daughter's best friend?

In April, my daughter's best friend moved to Florida. The other girl's mother and I am each going to drive half way, my daughter is getting in their car and we are both driving to our own houses. We will do the same thing in 6 days. They always get each other funny gifts, and last time, Bre (her best friend) sent her a computer (hers was broken)! We want to get her something funny and cute. They both are little kids at heart and both are obsessed with everything Disney. We went to Walmart today and got a Disney Princess puzzle, a Sipper-Saurus (it is a drinking cup, you take the dinosaur's head off and fill it and then the tail is the straw, very cute), a fake banana, 4 packs of Silly Erasers (they were on sale for $0.25 for each pack of 2!), a pack of M&M's, a Little Mermaid (Bre loves the Little Mermaid) magic towel, Toy Story and Little Mermaid sticker sheets (her 2 favorite Disney movies), Sesame Street Fizzy Tub Colors, "Addicted to Texting" jelly bracelet, 2 t-shirts (one is Minnie Mouse and we got my daughter and her matching ones, the other shirt is of melted ice cream saying "NOOOOOO!!!!!"), a huge thing of bubbles, and a Nemo Pez container. Anything else funny and cute you can think of? Thanks!

Using snuff after molar extracted.?

Not a wisdom tooth so no stitches, also on antibiotics to prevent an infection. What are my odds of getting an infection or dry socket if I don't dip compared to if I do during first 2-3 days.

Apparently my wisdom teeth are growing in prematurely?

When I got my braces off a few months ago, they did x-rays of my jaw. Apparently, my wisdom teeth are starting to grow in too early (I'm 15) and aren't going to fully develop and I'm not sure what's going to happen to them. Will they grow in and fall out? Or will I have to get them taken out? I'm really confused.

Does prematurity connect with the size tongue you have?

That's funny . . . I knew this girl who's tongue was so long she could touch the tip of her nose, and she was, in fact, premature. I guess this isn't really an answer, but there probably isn't like scientific research about it, anyways.

Do you think parents should get their child's ear pierced when they are a baby?

Many people say that when you are younger than the age of one, your nerves have not fully developed so therefore, you will not feel the pain. But I would go against it because many kids grow up not liking their earrings so their parents put all that money in it for nothing. They risked infection and other side effects of piercings only for their children to grow up not even wearing earrings. I've seen many people whose parents took them to get their ears pierced at an very young age and I haven't seen them wear earrings once. I think parents should LET their kids get their ears pierced but not MAKE them. If your children asks to get their ears pierced then by all means because at least you know they will be happy and you know you just spent your money on something that will make them happy. I think piercing your children's ears just because of religion is incredibly stupid (no offence) and should even be considered as child abuse. I would like to hear your opinions :)

How old was your infant when you stopped swaddling?

I don't remember exactly when we stopped, but it was sometime between 2-3 months old. Our daughter got to where she slept just as well without being swaddled. We did use a sleep blanket after that since it was still cold outside. Maybe you could find a lightweight sleep blanket for her.

Is female anal masturbation dangerous?

I'm a 16 year old girl, and I like to masturbate anally. Recently, I've seen a lot of things about it being unsafe and about how things can tear and you can get some horrible infections and worse things. I usually use my fingers and I keep my nails trimmed. Going to a shop to get an actual toy is out of the question since I'm two years away from legally being able to do that. I can't get actual lubricant either. I usually use a lot of spit. It feels good, but I'm worried about everything I've been hearing. It would be extremely embarrassing having to go to the hospital for that kind of thing. I never use things that could potentially get stuck. I just want to know more about the risks, and what I can do to be as safe as possible? I don't want any stupid answers saying that it's bad and I'll die if I do it again, so please be mature about this.

SPELLS? help me!? i really really need help!?

What are real working mermaid spells? If your going to say that mermaids don't exist please don't answer because no ones going to listen to you. You bbelieve what you want. All I'm asking is for believers to give me a real working spell that they used that worked on them PLEASE I'M DESPERATE

When is a good time to get engaged?

I accidentally started off my adulthood prematurely. I got pregnant at 15, and had my son at 16. The father and I were both in a REALLY bad spot in our lives that consisted of drugs and nothing more when I got pregnant. Needless to say, when I chose to keep my son, I made him my number one priority and from that point on my entire life has revolved around him. I finished high school, I quit everything cold turkey, I got two jobs, I started college, etc. His father was not ready nor willing to accept the responsibilities of being a parent and bailed out within the first trimester of my pregnancy. I had no intention of dating, like I said, my son was my main focus. However, a good friend of mine stepped in to be a part of my loving support system, and he stood by my side throughout my pregnancy. I had never even thought of him as the boyfriend type because before my son, him and I lived completely different lifestyles. I partied, he studied; I (almost) dropped out of high school, he is going to college and graduated with honors; I was bad, he was practically angelic. Anyways, he waited in the hospital waiting room with my dad when my son was born, the two of them pacing and shaking with nerves. He took time off work to stay with me (we camped out in that same waiting room) when my son was admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for a week even through New Years. He asked me out numerous times but I turned him down again and again because I didn't want to start a relationship before I was able to get situated in my new role as a mother. After a few months though we made our relationship official and have officially been together over a year and a half. We are living together and he is raising my son with me. He is the best father I could have ever asked for for my son, and the most amazing person I have ever met. We argue occasionally, but he is always willing to compromise and we never go to sleep without first resolving the issue. Our communication was rocky at first, but we have almost perfected it (although I don't expect it to ever be perfect). What matters is that we are able to work as a team to overcome obstacles. We love and respect one another. My relationship with him is unlike any other relationship I have ever had. Mostly because my other relationships consisted of two incomplete people meshing together trying to fill each others voids. But my pregnancy both forced and encouraged me to move in a positive direction and become a complete person. Now my relationship consists of two complete people who compliment one another and encourage growth and personal success. He is my support system, he is my best friend, he is the person I confide in, laugh with, cry with. I am shameless around him because even in my worst moments, my weakest moments, my most embarrassing moments, he still loves me. I already know that I am going to spend my life with him. My mind can't even conjure up a picture of my future without him. The only thing is, I am still only 17 (I turn 18 in July). My family and friends all support our relationship wholeheartedly, but because I had my son so young (even though he was a blessing in disguise and is loved immensely!) I feel as though I am somewhat of a disgrace to my family and I am afraid of making another big decision too soon. Of course, the timing is ultimately up to him, and we have already agreed to wait until after I turn 18 to get engaged, but we have already picked out the rings and I know it is something we both want. We probably will be engaged for at least two years before we actually get married. I am completely confident about spending my life with him, I guess I am just worried about what other people think. I know I shouldn't care, but I made one big mistake and have devoted my life to my son which has made everyone's standards for me a lot higher. I just don't want people to look down on me again. I want to get engaged when I know people will be happy for me and supportive of my decision.

Will my eyeliner age my eyes over time?

Hi. I wear black eyeliner on my lower lid through the weekdays and never on the weekends. A friend told me that if I continue to do this, my eyes or my face will age prematurely. Is this true? Thanks.

About abortion........?

I don't really get it either, but I think it's soooooo sad that people kill millions of babies! I couldn't imagine what'd it be like if one of my siblings or nieces or nephews weren't here due to abortion. I'm glad I was born into a Christian family. :)

Im unhappy in my marriage?

If you cant find a way to forgive him, then you need to get out there, because its only going to get worst, I know you want your baby to have a family, but whats the point on having a family if your unhappy and fighting all the time, he will grow up listening to everything you guys fight about, and i truly believe that once your out of that relationship you will find happiness. And hey you never know, you might find a better husband and a better family for you and your kid. good luck

Treated 4 yeast infection. still having white discharge? ?

Today I noticed a fairly significant amount of white discharge. 2 days ago I treated myself for a yeast infection using monstat. Is the white discharge from the suppository? I still have symptoms of a yeast infection Help?

How do you tell some one they need to lose weight with out offending them or embarrassing them?

Explain to her that with weight and diabetes that's a definate killer and that you will go through every step with her and yal can join a gym togetha

Strange dizzyness after taking medicine?

I just recently gotten an ear infection :/ my doctor gave me medication , Amoxicillin. I'm suppose to take it 3 times a day , every 8 hours. I'm also taking advil to kill the pain. I've noticed that sometimes when I move or stand up from sitting down I feel slightly dizzy and it feels like my heads spinning? .. Is this normal? Or should i consult my doctor about it? :/

Only Believers Answer!?

Ok, yesterday I said a mermaid spell. It said a side effect could be having mermaid dreams. I had a dream that I was boiling water using only my hand and I almost transformed and my legs were changing to like, a dull orange. Then when I woke up, I was having visions of swimming in te ocean freely. Does this mean its working?